Monday, November 5, 2012

ADK Fire Tower Challenge - Winter

From their webpage: The Saratoga-Glens Falls Chapter of ADK is now offering a new Fire Tower Challenge: the Winter Fire Tower Challenge. Climb 18 of the Adirondack Mountains with fire towers and all five of the Catskill ones, and you can earn a rocker for your Fire Tower Challenge patch. You can keep track of your climbs on the regular brochure, noting at the top of the form that it’s the Winter Challenge. For more details contact them directly. Just thought you should know about this Winter challenge.

Red Hill Fire Tower in 6 inches of snow. We did it and so can you. It was fun!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

ADK Firetower Challenge - Final Leg

Although Kate and I have finished the ADK Firetower Challenge, gotten our ADK patches and the book 29 Firetowers... has come out, we're not done. Kate has yet to do two of those firetower mountains and wants to repeat Wakeley and climb that tower. (Winds and snow and sleet prevented it the last time.) We've been delayed in completing that final leg while Roger had a major artory blockage in his leg repaired this fall. (That's not a pun; but it is kinda funny.) 
We'll finish up her assignment next spring. But stay tuned.

Monday, May 7, 2012

The ADK Fire Tower Challenge - Powerpoint presentation

In conjuction with the release of our book 29 Fire Tower Trails in the Adirondack and Catskill Mountains, we also have a Powerpoint presentation for groups. Titled The ADK Fire Tower Challenge, we explain what the "Challenge" is, how we met it and we feature our top 10 favorite mountains from the easiest to the most patriotic. The presentation is free to most non-profit organizations, although we may need some mileage fees if we have to travel a long distance. It's about an hour long and then we leave time for questions and answers. We'll have books with us if anyone is interested.
If you have a group that might be interested, please contact us at: or via phone, afternoons and evenings at: 386-956-6089. 

Monday, April 30, 2012

The Fire Tower Book is out!!!!

Our book 29 Fire Tower Trails in the Adirondack and Catskill Mountains is now out. It is about the 29 remaining fire towers, all of which are part of the ADK Firetower Challenge.  We did them all! You only have to do 23 to meet the “ADK Fire Tower Challenge”.  In this book we have included explicit directions from Interstate highways, where to park, what you might see and what we found. We also included GPS readings and more than 60 full color photos. It’s all in our usual user friendly format. The ADK Firetower Challenge is much less than trying to become a 46’er, but a fun and rewarding challenge just the same.
2012, 129 pages, spiral bound, $19.95 
You can ask for this book at your local bookstore or outfitter. Or just order it from the publisher, Common Man Books at: or call them, toll free at: 866-793-0555.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Firetowers of the Adirondacks and Catskills

Coming soon! Our book about the 29 remaining firetowers, all of which are part of the ADK Firetower Challenge. We did them all! In this book we have included explicit directions from Interstate highways, where to park, what you might see and what we found. We also included GPS readings and more than 60 full color photos. Titled 29 Fire Tower Trails in the Adirondack and Catskill Mountains, it should be available by April of 2012. It's up-to-date and user friendly in our usual format. The attached photo is a just a draft copy of the cover, but you get the idea. More later as we get closer to publication.